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Third Time Lucky - Wendy

I am so grateful to have had the support, care and kindness of this amazing only regret is that I did not meet them sooner. 

With my first born, wanting to do everything perfectly and by the book, I completely lost touch with my natural motherly instincts. I breastfed for a little over 3 weeks and couldn't stand the pain any more. In addition my baby boy was not gaining weight. My heart was broken but we did what we thought was the best at the time.

My second born, a beautiful baby girl...surely this time I would be able to do it. We booked ahead of time with a lactation consultant who sadly guided us in a wrong direction and made use of forceful and I cried with every feed and only managed 6 weeks before going onto formula, thinking that at least there was a little good start to breastfeeding.

I'm sitting now, breastfeeding my third child who is almost 6 months old, pain-free and loving every moment. I never knew that breastfeeding could form a bond like this.

I remember the day we had our appointment with the La Leche League Leader. I was ready to give up. I had bought formula and sterilised the bottles. I was so tired and disappointed. My heels grinding into the floor (when you know, you know) anticipating the pain with every latch and feed. I honestly did not think that anyone would be able to help me...especially not on a call, miles away. Nevertheless, I thought let's just do it, I'll go make a bottle when we are done. I have given up hope.

During our video call the LLLLeader showed me that minor adjustments can make a HUGE difference. Tears were rolling down my face again but this time, tears of joy and relief. I couldn't believe it, finally after all these years! What an amazing feeling of being absolutely the only thing that baby needs, the way God intended it to be.

We are forever thankful and hope that all mothers can experience this amazing feeling of joy and bonding with their little ones.

Thank you La Leche League and team. You have made a difference in our lives.


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