The Western Cape Chapter of La Leche League South Africa (LLLSA) held a high tea fundraising event on Saturday, 23rd February 2019. Almost 200 attendees joined us at Edgemead Community Hall in Cape Town.
The event was planned and organised by Leaders who served on the organizing committee and who sourced everything needed for the day to be a success. Leaders, Leader Applicants and Peer Counselors assisted by hosting tables at the event with the hostesses‘main duty being to fill their tables through ticket sales and to ensure that their guests were happy. In return, the groups affiliated with the hostesses received a percentage of the profit generated on the day. Even regular group attendee mothers showed their support by hosting tables on behalf of their groups.

The event was a wonderful opportunity for the community to give back to the organization and its Leaders who support them during such a special part of their parenting journey.
The event was advertised widely: at group meetings, on all social media platforms as well as local radio where Olga Lipkovics, a LLL leader, was interviewed.
With the primary objective being to raise funds, the event also served as an opportunity to market LLLSA. Books from the LLLSA book depot were on display and for sale on the day, and LLLSA info sheets were distributed. LLLSA is now a listed beneficiary of the My School My Village My Planet program which is an initiative that raises funds for charities. Attendees were invited to sign up and add LLLSA as their beneficiary and in return could enter a lucky draw using their application forms.
It was a fun-filled day with mothers, fathers and babies in attendance. The program on the day included a talk by guest speaker Carly Tzanos, an occupational therapist, and performances by a musical band called The Stix. Lots of prizes were up for grabs, thanks to generous sponsorship and donations from companies and individuals. Attendees also received goodie bags. The event was a success and made the hard work and sacrifice worth it. It was the first event of its kind for LLLSA but will not be the last.
Funds raised will be invested into LLLSA, to uplift its Leaders and will go far to help the organization meet its objective of breastfeeding support.

The organizing committee would like to thank the Leaders, Leader Applicants, Peer Counselors, group mothers, sponsors and attendees for making the event such a success through their support and participation.
Written by Gwynneth Jacobs - 2019