I want to share my joy of co-sleeping with my 5 month old boy.
He started getting fussy around 8 pm last night so I lay down with him. He latched on and within two minutes he was knocked out, two minutes later I was knocked out too. It wasn’t my intention to sleep but it was needed. Sometime during the night, I got up to use the toilet. When I came back, he was moaning in his sleep because I think on some level, he knew that I wasn’t there. I didn’t need to latch him when I laid down this time, I just had to lay next to him and breathe over him. He was immediately calm!!
Co-sleeping also allows us to dream feed.
I feel him fussing. I shift a bit nearer, let him latch on and we both drift off again. Neither of us have to wake up fully.
Breastfeeding is amazing.
Amiena Pinas (mother of three)