The information in this post is also contained in our Working & Breastfeeding article
Here is one approach to beginning expressing and introducing bottles that has worked well for many mothers as they prepared to return to work:
Once breastfeeding is well established – usually after about four weeks – begin expressing after one feeding a day where your breasts still feel a little full. Remember you are expressing “leftovers” and should only expect a small amount.
Freeze that first batch of expressed milk immediately. You can add other batches to it after they have been cooled in the freezer.
Your pediatrician may have given you a total number of millilitres your baby may feed in a day or a range from the smallest probable amount to the largest, based on your baby’s weight.
If dealing with a total volume over a 24-hour period, divide that by the typical number of times your baby feeds for a target volume for the first bottle.
If dealing with a range, store volumes of the lower amount.
Store some extra small volumes in case baby is hungrier than expected.
When you have enough stored to equal the expected volume and a bit more, you can begin to plan a time to introduce a bottle.
EXAMPLE for offering the first bottle:
Your pediatrician suggests that your baby probably takes about 750 millilitres a day.
You know that he feeds between eight and 12 times a day.
That means he could take anywhere from 60 to 89 millilitres.
You express until you have a 60 millilitres bottle and then have several 30 millilitres bottles to equal at least 89 millilitres or more saved.
Choose a day that your primary support person will be available and a feeding time where baby tends to be more pleasant and patient for his feeding.
Baby may accept a bottle more easily from someone other than you. He knows milk comes from you and may not understand why he’s not going there instead of to this foreign object.
Thaw out the 60 millilitres bottle in the refrigerator overnight.
When baby begins to stir, place the bottle from the refrigerator in a bowl of warm water (bath temperature) or a bottle warmer while the person offering the bottle goes to get baby from his bed, changed and ready for the feeding.
Often it helps to run the bottle nipple under warm water, if it was also in the refrigerator, to make it more acceptable to the baby.
Baby should be held in an upright, almost sitting, position that is similar to the position usually used by the support person.
The warmed bottle should be held at an angle tilted just enough to fill the nipple to allow baby to keep control of when and how fast the milk comes.
Tickle the baby’s mouth to encourage an open mouth then bring baby up onto the bottle nipple, aiming the nipple toward the palate.
Some have found that it can help to have an article of clothing you have worn, like a nightgown or t-shirt, to place on their arm, shoulder, or chest where the baby can smell your scent.
It is usually best if you are close but not present in the room during this first “experiment” with bottle feeding. Your baby is very wise and will wait for you to come feed her if she knows you are nearby.
Once the feeding is completed, you will express to create a bottle equal to what the baby consumed. Remember that the baby is always better than a pump! If you do not express as much as the baby took, it is more likely a pump issue than an issue of not enough milk. Just express after another breastfeeding and add that amount to what you expressed to get the amount baby took.
You will continue this pattern until you have enough milk stored in your freezer to get you through a normal work day plus a few extra for any hectic day at work where you may not have been able to express as often. Plan to fully breastfeed for all feedings when not separated from your baby.
Working and Breastfeeding
Feeding Breastmilk From a Bottle
Cleaning and Sanitising Pumping Accessories
Hand Expressing
*Parts of the contents of this page was generously supplied by La Leche League International