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Meet LLLSA Leader Gwynneth Jacobs
Gwynneth is a Leader in Cape Town. She is passionate about supporting working moms and has served in various admin roles within LLLSA.
Mar 112 min read

Bedsharing success - Amiena
I want to share my joy of co-sleeping with my 5 month old boy.
Feb 271 min read

Perseverance Pays Off - Aniqah
I’m a mom of three and I breastfed with success before so it never occurred to me that I would have so much difficulty with my third child.
Oct 21, 20243 min read

The Tiny Tyrant's Milk Mutiny: A Tale of Boob vs. Bottle - Hanri
The riveting saga of Wilken, the pint-sized revolutionary who staged a one-baby protest against the bottle industry, awaited me.
Sep 23, 20244 min read

Borsvoeding was die mooiste mooi, maar moeilik - Marli
Mamma-wees vir die eerste
keer en borsvoed vir die eerste keer het my dieper geraak as wat ek ooit kon voorstel. Dis die mooiste mooi...
Sep 23, 20244 min read

Third Time Lucky - Wendy
I honestly did not think that anyone would be able to help me...especially not on a call, miles away. But finally after all these years!
Aug 27, 20242 min read

It's World Breastfeeding Week 2024
This year for World Breastfeeding Week the focus will be on survival, health and wellbeing and the need to improve breastfeeding support.
Jul 31, 20243 min read

Experiences that are worlds apart - Amiena
A story of how I went from formula feeding and a C-section with my first baby, to a vaginal delivery and breastfeeding my second baby.
Jul 6, 20243 min read

Breastfeeding Mama Bear - René
This is the proudest achievement of my life. We reached the 5 month mark of exclusive breastfeeding without formula milk and no solids.
Jun 22, 20242 min read

Breech, tongue-tie, nipple shields & a non-latching baby - Shaurne
We have learned that breastfeeding is almost like a sport. The more you practice, the better you become at it.
Jun 10, 20244 min read

Support & determination pays off - Saajidah
I am a full-time working and breastfeeding mom. I must admit that it has been a very challenging journey with travelling and pumping.
Feb 11, 20243 min read

Pumping for my premie - Kashiefa
My son, was born prematurely at 32 weeks, weighing 2.1kgs. He went to the NICU for oxygen and I started expressing my milk immediately.
Feb 4, 20247 min read

DIY engorgement relief - Amiena
I was so engorged after forgetting my breastpump. I turned to the hot jar method and hand expressing to alleviate the engorgement.
Dec 20, 20233 min read

Meet LLLSA Leader Nan Jolly
Nan, one of our longest serving leaders, is based in Gqeberha involved with the LLLSA group there as well as active on our Facebook group.
Nov 9, 20233 min read

Relactation & getting baby back to breast - Fatima
After taking the pills to dry up my milk I thought that was the end of my breastfeeding journey but six days later I still had milk...
Nov 2, 20235 min read

A lifesaver on my breastfeeding journey - Tracey
My one breast stopped making milk at four months, which could have been the end of my journey but La Leche League supported me to continue.
Sep 24, 20232 min read

A day in the life of a breastfeeding, working, travelling mom - Nicolize
What a day in the life looks like of a breastfeeding mom with a young baby who works a corporate job as a travelling sales representative.
Sep 23, 20234 min read

If I only knew of La Leche League at the beginning - Danni
If I had access to La Leche League it would've been so helpful for me as a new mom. I now encourage all my pregnant friends to join.
Aug 16, 20233 min read

All I could do was offer - Aamena
I don't know what made me do it but I offered my breast again and he instantly latched on and started sucking.
Aug 9, 20231 min read

It's World Breastfeeding Week 2023
This year the focus of World Breastfeeding Week, commemorated from 1-7 August 2023, is on breastfeeding and employment/work.
Jul 26, 20232 min read
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